This was a monthly Patreon exlcusive. For more exclusive vehicle mods, you can head on over to my Patreon to check them out.
Chevrolet Corvette '54
Original model: Forza
Conversion to V: OhiOcinu, GreenAid
Edits, tweaks, data: GreenAid
Sound: KCMIRO, extracted from Forza
- HQ model
- correct working lights (refer to extra light settings provided)
- LODs
- realistic performance and physics
- factory spawn colours (requires this mod to be installed, else colors won't work properly https://www.gta5-mods.com/misc/classic-car-colours-greenaid)
- custom gear ratios (refer to extra folder)
- VehFuncs features: wipers, fans, 3d dials
- 1 tuning part
- none knwon
- 1.0: first release
Please if you like my work and want to support me, considering donating to help, thank you!
If you're interested, join our server GTA 5 Classics on Discord to follow our work more closely and get sneak peeks, link under my profile!
Screenshots by satyricon84, LTKLVIV and Kostelfranco, thanks!
Chevrolet Corvette '54
Original model: Forza
Conversion to V: OhiOcinu, GreenAid
Edits, tweaks, data: GreenAid
Sound: KCMIRO, extracted from Forza
- HQ model
- correct working lights (refer to extra light settings provided)
- LODs
- realistic performance and physics
- factory spawn colours (requires this mod to be installed, else colors won't work properly https://www.gta5-mods.com/misc/classic-car-colours-greenaid)
- custom gear ratios (refer to extra folder)
- VehFuncs features: wipers, fans, 3d dials
- 1 tuning part
- none knwon
- 1.0: first release
Please if you like my work and want to support me, considering donating to help, thank you!
If you're interested, join our server GTA 5 Classics on Discord to follow our work more closely and get sneak peeks, link under my profile!
Screenshots by satyricon84, LTKLVIV and Kostelfranco, thanks!
Pertama diunggah: Sabtu, 25 Maret 2023
Terakhir diperbarui: Sabtu, 25 Maret 2023
Terakhir Diunduh: 37 menit yang lalu
31 Komentar
This was a monthly Patreon exlcusive. For more exclusive vehicle mods, you can head on over to my Patreon to check them out.
Chevrolet Corvette '54
Original model: Forza
Conversion to V: OhiOcinu, GreenAid
Edits, tweaks, data: GreenAid
Sound: KCMIRO, extracted from Forza
- HQ model
- correct working lights (refer to extra light settings provided)
- LODs
- realistic performance and physics
- factory spawn colours (requires this mod to be installed, else colors won't work properly https://www.gta5-mods.com/misc/classic-car-colours-greenaid)
- custom gear ratios (refer to extra folder)
- VehFuncs features: wipers, fans, 3d dials
- 1 tuning part
- none knwon
- 1.0: first release
Please if you like my work and want to support me, considering donating to help, thank you!
If you're interested, join our server GTA 5 Classics on Discord to follow our work more closely and get sneak peeks, link under my profile!
Screenshots by satyricon84, LTKLVIV and Kostelfranco, thanks!
Chevrolet Corvette '54
Original model: Forza
Conversion to V: OhiOcinu, GreenAid
Edits, tweaks, data: GreenAid
Sound: KCMIRO, extracted from Forza
- HQ model
- correct working lights (refer to extra light settings provided)
- LODs
- realistic performance and physics
- factory spawn colours (requires this mod to be installed, else colors won't work properly https://www.gta5-mods.com/misc/classic-car-colours-greenaid)
- custom gear ratios (refer to extra folder)
- VehFuncs features: wipers, fans, 3d dials
- 1 tuning part
- none knwon
- 1.0: first release
Please if you like my work and want to support me, considering donating to help, thank you!
If you're interested, join our server GTA 5 Classics on Discord to follow our work more closely and get sneak peeks, link under my profile!
Screenshots by satyricon84, LTKLVIV and Kostelfranco, thanks!
Pertama diunggah: Sabtu, 25 Maret 2023
Terakhir diperbarui: Sabtu, 25 Maret 2023
Terakhir Diunduh: 37 menit yang lalu
@ahmeNo0b4K everything is fine here with the windows. Look at the screen where the color is red ,)
@ahmeNo0b4K Ти часом не русня?
what did you do to criticize like that?
everything is fine with the windows. These are purely your problems.
@ahmeNo0b4K I'm using stock game and the windows look fine to me... maybe enhance your graphics if your computer can handle it... but regardless i'm not picky definitely not nitpicking a free car that shouldn't have tint in the first place, remember its a 1954
@Katecreme I took more than 100 screenshots in different weather and time, no problem with windows. The car was tested by different people, everything is fine with all of them.
To have more free cars from the author, you need to thank his PayPal :)) Good game everyone ,)
very awesome mod looks great in game
@ahmeNo0b4K You realize cars of that era did not have tinted windows. This mod is accurate to the original car stop carrying on like an idiot about something that does not suit your taste plenty of other garbage cars on this site you can comment on leave authors who actually do the model correctly alone
Ти русня яка вивчила українську мову? Інакше чому ти так агресивно себе поводиш? Заспокійся. Так не гарно поводитися.
Повторюю, в мене все Ок з вікнами в авто, і на інших роботах автора теж, як і з модами так і без них. Є в мене відображення навколишнього світу гри в вікнах.
@ahmeNo0b4K stop calling people noobs, i been playing GTA with mods since 2018. I don't claim to know everything but I'm definitely not a "noob" but in all honesty nobody but you cares about such a little flaw.
@ahmeNo0b4K There is no tint on that car it just has the top closed, grow the hell up and stop lowering your rating also should mention i have been modding and creating cars since gta3 no not really a newbie.
@ahmeNo0b4K готуйся створювати ще один, бо цей теж забанять ))).
Створи свою машину, яка (не) буде ідеальною для тебе, і буде як приклад для інших.
А так то в тебе поведінка типової русні.
This is such a beautiful Corvette as this could be my favorite generation of the Corvette!
Best mod you've ever done, man I'm blown away by how much detail has gone into this mod
Can you make a chevy c10 not squared body or a 1991 chevy s10 would be awesome please
modes are beautiful, but the handling ruins everything
Replaced with coquette3 handling
<Item type="CHandlingData">
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<fPercentSubmerged value="85.000000" />
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<vecInertiaMultiplier x="1.200000" y="1.200000" z="1.500000" />
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<fInitialDriveForce value="0.2900" />
<fDriveInertia value="1.000000" />
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<fTractionBiasFront value="0.497" />
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<fSuspensionForce value="2.200000" />
<fSuspensionCompDamp value="1.400000" />
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<fAntiRollBarForce value="0.550000" />
<fAntiRollBarBiasFront value="0.630000" />
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<fRollCentreHeightRear value="0.160000" />
<fCollisionDamageMult value="1.000000" />
<fWeaponDamageMult value="1.000000" />
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<fEngineDamageMult value="1.500000" />
<fPetrolTankVolume value="60.000000" />
<fOilVolume value="6.500000" />
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<fSeatOffsetDistY value="0.000000" />
<fSeatOffsetDistZ value="0.000000" />
<nMonetaryValue value="150000" />
<Item type="CCarHandlingData">
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<Item type="NULL" />
<Item type="NULL" />
@kcm5777 Or you could learn how to handle a car with realistic physics, not everything gimped or arcade :)
Beautiful mod. Car has no engine sound though