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@Larcius to give you an idea https://www.google.com/search?q=tree+rocky+cliff&client=firefox-b-d&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiRpZeYrc30AhVuGbkGHUvNCBgQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=2618&bih=1444&dpr=1.36
@Larcius i ahvent downloaded just looked at pictures , it looks like a great concept, i noticed there are a lot of trees modeled but not used in game, including fallen ones, and dying ones. But i would like to give you a sugestion, perhaps you were too much tree happy....you dont place long trees on top of rocky cliffs. Either you place none, or only a very few of the small ones. there is not enough to develop a tree there.
@MADMAN3199 it does move it just isnt really functioning leg like a ped, wich you cant do really, you either make it a vehicle or make it a ped
@motosxorpio Thanks a lot
if you can actually make more drops instead of just make it bigger i would actually like this., it should downpour on LA
@HKH191 how am i supose to install this ? i placed the files you recomended in the script folder but the boat is not in the marina to purchase
i dont know if this is a engine limitaiton, but he is not big enough.
If you guys havent noticed, this mod is dead, it hasnt been updated since 2017 and the user hasnt been active since 2018...
Thanks for the hard work, but it need a log of change
Where are these cool looking cops from ?