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    Can you or someone make the stock spoiler (as a tunable part) but then completely black or custom colour (colour 5 or 6 which are for interior and dash).

    Sabtu, 27 Januari 2018
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    So apparently changing ANYTHING in the menu does not have an effect on the .ini files nor does changing values in the .ini files do anything in the menu

    Rabu, 24 Januari 2018
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    Can you help me or nah, cause I saw you were active 18 hours ago and you didn't respond to me and I'm pretty it's not that hard to.

    Rabu, 24 Januari 2018
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    oh and I use a Thrustmaster T150 (as said above), settings_wheel is still the same (I tried editing it myself but didn't work at all), settings_general:
    Enable = true
    ShiftMode = 0
    SimpleBike = false
    EngineDamage = false
    EngineStalling = true
    EngineStallingS = false
    EngineBraking = true
    EngineLocking = false
    ClutchCatching = true
    ClutchShiftingH = true
    ClutchShiftingS = false
    DefaultNeutral = true
    ClutchCatchpoint = 10.000000
    StallingThreshold = 85.000000
    RPMDamage = 15.000001
    MisshiftDamage = 10.000000
    EngBrakePower = 0.800000
    EngBrakeThreshold = 0.750000
    HillBrakeWorkaround = false
    AutoGear1 = false
    AutoLookBack = false
    ThrottleStart = true
    CrossScript = true

    EnableHUD = true
    AlwaysHUD = false
    HUDFont = 4
    GearIndicator = true
    GearXpos = 0.952500
    GearYpos = 0.885000
    GearSize = 0.700000
    GearTopColorR = 255
    GearTopColorG = 63
    GearTopColorB = 63
    ShiftModeIndicator = true
    ShiftModeXpos = 0.935000
    ShiftModeYpos = 0.885000
    ShiftModeSize = 0.700000
    ; kph - mph - ms - off
    Speedo = kph
    SpeedoShowUnit = true
    SpeedoXpos = 0.860000
    SpeedoYpos = 0.885000
    SpeedoSize = 0.700000
    EnableRPMIndicator = true
    RPMIndicatorXpos = 0.120001
    RPMIndicatorYpos = 0.765000
    RPMIndicatorWidth = 0.140000
    RPMIndicatorHeight = 0.005000
    RPMIndicatorRedline = 0.845000
    RPMIndicatorBackgroundR = 0
    RPMIndicatorBackgroundG = 0
    RPMIndicatorBackgroundB = 0
    RPMIndicatorBackgroundA = 128
    RPMIndicatorForegroundR = 255
    RPMIndicatorForegroundG = 255
    RPMIndicatorForegroundB = 255
    RPMIndicatorForegroundA = 255
    RPMIndicatorRedlineR = 255
    RPMIndicatorRedlineG = 92
    RPMIndicatorRedlineB = 0
    RPMIndicatorRedlineA = 255
    RPMIndicatorRevlimitR = 255
    RPMIndicatorRevlimitG = 0
    RPMIndicatorRevlimitB = 0
    RPMIndicatorRevlimitA = 255
    SteeringWheelInfo = true
    AlwaysSteeringWheelInfo = false
    SteeringWheelTextureX = 0.230000
    SteeringWheelTextureY = 0.890000
    SteeringWheelTextureSz = 0.060000
    PedalInfoX = 0.290000
    PedalInfoY = 0.890000
    PedalInfoH = 0.100000
    PedalInfoW = 0.040000
    PedalInfoPadX = 0.000000
    PedalInfoPadY = 0.000000

    ToggleEngine = false
    ToggleTime = 300
    TriggerValue = 0.850000
    BlockCarControls = true
    MaxTapTime = 200
    ShiftUpBlocks = 73
    ShiftDownBlocks = 99
    Toggle = UNKNOWN
    ToggleShift = B
    ShiftUp = A
    ShiftDown = X
    Clutch = LeftThumbUp
    Engine = DpadDown
    Throttle = RightTrigger
    Brake = LeftTrigger

    Enable = false
    ShiftUpBlocks = 73
    ShiftDownBlocks = 99
    Toggle = -1
    ToggleShift = 194
    ShiftUp = 191
    ShiftDown = 193
    Clutch = 196
    Engine = 187
    Throttle = 208
    Brake = 207

    Toggle = VK_OEM_5
    ToggleH = VK_OEM_6
    ShiftUp = LSHIFT
    ShiftDown = LCTRL
    Clutch = Z
    Engine = X
    Throttle = W
    Brake = S
    HR = NUM0
    H1 = NUM1
    H2 = NUM2
    H3 = NUM3
    H4 = NUM4
    H5 = NUM5
    H6 = NUM6
    H7 = NUM7
    HN = NUM9

    DisplayInfo = false
    DisplayWheelInfo = false
    DisplayGearingInfo = false
    DisplayFFBInfo = false
    DisplayNPCInfo = false

    and I tried reinstalling it and when I try to turn it off it says disabled but the box is still checked and clicking it another time doesn't do anything

    Perbesar untuk membaca komentar lengkapnya
    Rabu, 24 Januari 2018
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    Okay so I tried installing my T150 using this mod but the buttons and all don't get assigned at all

    Senin, 22 Januari 2018
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    FINA livery by any chance? Pretty please?

    Kamis, 18 Januari 2018
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    @domenator the one-77 has an autospoiler in real life while the GT500 doesn't so I don't think he's going to

    Minggu, 03 Desember 2017
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    I see all these things about custom backfire flames yet I don't see any... Anyone got a fix?

    Kamis, 23 November 2017