
Vehicle Repair Station Expanded 18 55 66 HU-N SP ED 2



Rambosmother versions - PERMISSION from orig Author.

18HU and 55HU-N Special Edition (ROAD repair only)
PLUS 66HU-N with Helipads, Docks and Cayo.
All in pending download bundle.
One off, lol, and now, two of, standalone special editions - the rules have changed!
Probably needs EAI(enable all interiors and/or Benny's original motorworks)

66HU-N... has 'separate blips' for 'BENNYS type' repair stations.
at these locations you can choose to use 'my quick repair' or those garages, 'drive in mode'.... AND Colour coded blips

If you want the 'normal version' (repair at petrol stations)
use the download arrow on version 1.0.2
or wait for the NEW version coming soon. (still coming, up to 80)

Screen effects in pics and Vids from these other Mods
Pursuit effects
Damage indicator (Blood overlay)
Lefix speedo/fuel
Glowing Brakes

All my recommended Mods on FB page
vehicleRepairStation EXPANDED by Rambosmother
Special Thanks Alexander Blade GTA5MODS and OPENIV

This mod adds 16, 29, 33 or 58 vehicle repair stations to the map!
All included in 1.0.2 download.
HU-N series is different and a separate download.
SWAP THEM IN AND OUT to find your preference. Hit the follow button for future updates

Great for extended cop chases if you can handle the Anxiety, Panic and Stress.
One stray shot, can EXPLODE! your day.

(Cops back on the beat and WarrantsV Mods, amplify the Drama)

Press 'E' or 'Pad Right' to repair your vehicle!

Installation (also SEE VIDEO)
Pick an Option 16, 29, 33 or 58 All included in download 1.0.2.

Simply place vehicleRepairStation.lua file inside the

\scripts\addins\ directory in your base GTAV install location.

(If your scripts or addins files are not there, create them in OPEN IV,
using the 'add folder tab', in menu, after entering EDIT MODE. copy the names, as above) SEE VIDEO

Script Hook V

LUA Plugin For Script Hook V :

The HU-N series require EAI, and Benny's Mod is optional.
(For the 'drive in' option) (Added Bennys blip at each 'customs' locations)

EAI enable all interiors

Bennys original motorworks


(Options key - All included in download 16-58 V1.0.2. or 18HU-66HU-N Pending)

is every city servo (petrol station) servo's.

is every servo on the map, and bus station pits.

is every servo and the airport, the driveway at Aunts house and driveway at Michaels.

is 33plus, mostly docks around the waterways, Helipad near the Marina and Airport runway.

(I use this one with 'lefix simple fuel' to add petrol stations at the same places)
(the Airport hanger was a must for when you get lost in there and the cops are everywhere)
(see V3 demo video, to see you can, 'touch and go', repair and escape the cops.)
(yes more to come) ROAD SEA AIR REPAIR!

(Separate Download)
18HU - Special Edition (ROAD repair only) 18 hidden underground locations.
66HU-N With a couple of Helipads and Docks. Colour coded blips.

Please, if you re-upload my mod on this, or another website, credit me/the mod page!
Rambosmother (If you thought Rambo was tough!)

(ALL CREDIT TO another author who gave permission to me and requested no further
I have to give thanks, for without him, I wouldn't of started my journey into modding.

18, 55, 66HU-N (current)
(Special Edition 2 Bundle)
-18, 55 or 66 Hidden Underground locations incl CAYO
-66 has colour coded blips for Road, Sea and Air.
-AND separate 'BENNYS blips for the workable repair garages.
(Los Santos customs, Beekers garage and Benny's - The takeover has begun!)

Special Edition (ROAD repair only)
- 18 hidden underground locations.

(Bundle 16,29,33,or 58 ROAD SEA AIR REPAIR!)
- Added 25 new locations, mostly 'Docks' on the water for boat repair.
- Helipad and Airport for Chopper or Jet repair.
(yes more to come - see new demo vid. Hit LIKE AND FOLLOW)

(Bundle 16, 29, 33 Immersion version)
-Moved onscreen text to upper left. Smaller.
-Fixed code to display blip name in game Hud menu. (very happy, learnt some code)
(As a result, blip image changed colour to white. Unable to override, will test for future

(Bundle 6,16,29,33)
-Permission granted by orig Author and Moderators to change version (and claim
ownership of this bundle)
-Renew Version No to, '1.0.0' (current) from, '1.7' (previous)
-Claimed ownership! - Rambosmother! (not my original code, but I've done some yakka
Major thanks to original Author)

total 33 by Rambosmother
-added 4 NEW locations
-incl Franklin's Aunt's driveway, Michael's driveway, Lester's garage
and main Airport (absolutely needed if you find yourself on wrong side of the fence)

total 29 by Rambosmother
-added 13 NEW locations
-blips/sprite 402(spanner) works well.
-added ALL MAP servos as repair incl bus station pits.

total 16 by Rambosmother
-added 10 NEW locations
-fixed bug, blips from 'circles' in game, should be, 100 Carwash (seemed to need game
reload to work properly)
-changed sprite from 100 Carwash, to 402 repair (spanner)
-added ALL CITY servos as repair
-changed cost to 3500
-changed ingame text font, from 6 to 4 (immersion breaker) - need to learn code

original mod total 6 around the map by another Author (updates ceased, "mod finished")

From original mod - VehicleRepairStation by Another Author.
EXPANDED by Rambosmother.
All credit to A, a bit of me, and the man who helps us
Alexander Blade and all modders who inspire. Thankyou!


(Works exceptionally well with Lefix simple fuel/speedo. Also, EXCEPTIONAL! with cop chases YES, but be careful....)
If you REALLY want a challenge, try changing 'fade time' in LUA - Have not tried yet but I think, higher, say 3200 Will give longer to wait while in cop chases HARDER.
and, if you're Really, Really, game, try WarrantsV

This mod would not be possible without the original Author and PC Trainer. THANKS.

-None known ingame.
-NEW 66HU-N series has colour coded blips at the expense of a 'blip name' in menu.

To come
- Aircraft carrier and Helipads on Luxury Cruisers. (Testing)
- Few more docks and Helipads.

-demo Music Video (music permission by good mate) DONE!
-'HOW TO' Music tutorial (make your own location) DONE!
-install Music video. for the noobies DONE!
-Boats or rather, docks and possibly off runways DONE!

"Remember to chase perfection, but know it's limitations..." - RM

ENJOY! ORIGINAL MOD BY another author
All tested as of 31.01.21 for over a Month.

Show Full Description

Pertama diunggah: Minggu, 31 Januari 2021
Terakhir diperbarui: Jumat, 14 Mei 2021
Terakhir Diunduh: 7 hari yang lalu

All Versions

 18 55 66 HU-N SP ED 2 (current)

644 unduhan , 20 KB
Jumat, 14 Mei 2021

 18 HU Special Edition

164 unduhan , 4 KB
Jumat, 23 April 2021

 1.0.2 ROAD SEA AIR Repair

243 unduhan , 24 KB
Selasa, 30 Maret 2021


492 unduhan , 19 KB
Sabtu, 27 Februari 2021


341 unduhan , 17 KB
Minggu, 31 Januari 2021

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