@linhkts hey man you could make some american tanks like M60A3 super patton, M8 Buford or maybe M1A3 abrams advanced... is it possible at all? I tried your challenger 2, it was awesome, I like that useable MG, wish I could use it also on M1A2 abrams
@libertz True. Honestly, all these tanks are cool and all, but a 120mm, 125mm, or 140mm cannon all makes no difference in game. I just like playing car or pedestrian baseball with the gun tube. But I DO have all these tanks in game, cuz I love tanks and IFV's
Hello mate! When I drive it, the turret rotation only works when I switch to machine gun, but won't move when I'm in canon mode, would there be a way to fix it please?
I'm from Russia, so I can write illiterately, I confirm that the turrets in military equipment on the patch 1.0.1180.1 DO NOT WORK. Only the last weapon works, comrades mododels, please fix it or write, how to fix it!
Minggu, 31 Desember 2017
Gabung dalam pembicaraan! Masuk atau daftar akun untuk dapat komentar.
Model from?
Nice French Army Machine
amazing . thank you very much .
i want this tank can you make it ...
@blackman comming up next : merkava IV, K2 black panther.. :D
@linhkts hey man you could make some american tanks like M60A3 super patton, M8 Buford or maybe M1A3 abrams advanced... is it possible at all? I tried your challenger 2, it was awesome, I like that useable MG, wish I could use it also on M1A2 abrams
Ive modded a fare few cars by replacing original cars.If i add cars on will it effect the ones Ive already modded?Please help guys thanks
@libertz I don't think the M1A3 even exists yet. I just got out of an armored unit and never heard about it
elc amx? would be nice to see it cause it would be fun to use
@pigbenis there are mentions and approximate appearance but nothing official. That doesnt mean it cant be in the game.
@linhkts thanks man ...you really amazing
@libertz True. Honestly, all these tanks are cool and all, but a 120mm, 125mm, or 140mm cannon all makes no difference in game. I just like playing car or pedestrian baseball with the gun tube. But I DO have all these tanks in game, cuz I love tanks and IFV's
Hello mate! When I drive it, the turret rotation only works when I switch to machine gun, but won't move when I'm in canon mode, would there be a way to fix it please?
I'm from Russia, so I can write illiterately, I confirm that the turrets in military equipment on the patch 1.0.1180.1 DO NOT WORK. Only the last weapon works, comrades mododels, please fix it or write, how to fix it!