1970 SS Drag Chevelle 1.0
The original vehicle(without the back tires) belongs to DragoN777.
This mod add slicks to the back to turn this American muscle car into a drag car.
Let me know if there are any issues or bugs I can help you with and I will try to solve them.
The file locations for this vehicle are in the ReadMe.txt .
Please Enjoy this mod!
Ratings will help me a lot and Comment if you have a request for another car or adding to this one. Thanks
This mod add slicks to the back to turn this American muscle car into a drag car.
Let me know if there are any issues or bugs I can help you with and I will try to solve them.
The file locations for this vehicle are in the ReadMe.txt .
Please Enjoy this mod!
Ratings will help me a lot and Comment if you have a request for another car or adding to this one. Thanks
Diunggah: Rabu, 16 November 2016
Terakhir Diunduh: Jumat, 21 Februari 2025
11 Komentar
The original vehicle(without the back tires) belongs to DragoN777.
This mod add slicks to the back to turn this American muscle car into a drag car.
Let me know if there are any issues or bugs I can help you with and I will try to solve them.
The file locations for this vehicle are in the ReadMe.txt .
Please Enjoy this mod!
Ratings will help me a lot and Comment if you have a request for another car or adding to this one. Thanks
This mod add slicks to the back to turn this American muscle car into a drag car.
Let me know if there are any issues or bugs I can help you with and I will try to solve them.
The file locations for this vehicle are in the ReadMe.txt .
Please Enjoy this mod!
Ratings will help me a lot and Comment if you have a request for another car or adding to this one. Thanks
Diunggah: Rabu, 16 November 2016
Terakhir Diunduh: Jumat, 21 Februari 2025
This is awesome but the slicks are either a bit too wide or they aren't set in far enough. I wouldn't say anything about it but they are clipping through the body. You can choose which one you like but to be realistic you need to either scale the tires down a bit, or "narrow" the rear axle.
Thanks for sharing the sweet car, I'll be writing a wheelie handling for it soon.
@impactjunky Thanks for the feedback. I will work on this in the morning.(EST)
How about a little more to make it more... dragsterish? The average dragster looks something like these: https://www.google.ca/search?q=dragsters&biw=1920&bih=971&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjK3eHTtqzQAhVX5WMKHXxIDM8Q_AUIBigB (Scroll through them, you'll see tons of cool concepts you could touch upon.)
My point is a drag car can look like ANYTHING, not just a car with drag slicks slapped on the back of the car. Perhaps adding some tuning parts (make the cars add-on with the tuning (if you plan on making tuning parts), so people don't have to replace them and have drag cars everywhere (realism for those who want it) Again, like I said, love the concept, please do more mods, but at least try and think about what can get your mod seen more.
I know what you're gonna say, I haven't done any mods myself, how would I know? Because it works with all genres of content. Multimedia programs like YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, all have their identity because of what they offer.
Unless you knew all this shit already and someone is going to tell me I wasted my time writing it, no I didn't. Because then people who don't know it can read this, and then they can learn something like we all can. I love writing long comments just as much as people love making mods here. I am enthusiastic about certain types of GTA 5 mods and I just think they need to start infesting the site like all the boring, modern-based mods we got on this site. This can become popular, and you really should help it become popular. Because modern cars and women posing in, on, or around them is already overdone. Mods need to have variety, and this seems like a whole new road for modding, and some modders will like the concept. I don't care what kind of mods anybody does. People can do what they want, I ain't here to say who should do mods and who shouldn't. It should fit for all varieties of car people. (I'm not a modern car hater. I love all kinds of cars. Some modern cars like the 2004 Toyota Altezza can be admirable.)
Sorry if I made you read a huge comment. I'm just saying, I love your mods, and more people should be doing what you do: making cool ideas for dragsters Because there are hardly any good, admirable ones here (Actually that's kinda exaggerated, there are good ones.) Good luck on your future mods!
@krashadam I see what you're trying to say. But you need to find 3D models of things if the drag parts you are talking about are not in the game. And people don't just make 3D models of drag parts. I am big into drag racing and know that I can have headers (although I prefer open headers), I can have a better blower on the car, etc. You're also looking at pictures of top fuelers and funny cars. I made a completely different class. I'm made something in this class. https://www.google.com/search?q=muscle+cars+with+slicks&espv=2&rlz=1CADEAC_enUS649US649&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwim3Pu4pK3QAhXGSSYKHb2pBBIQ_AUICCgB&biw=1366&bih=691#imgrc=hC-iQgkDKY4H4M%3A . Or https://www.google.com/search?q=muscle+cars+with+slicks&espv=2&rlz=1CADEAC_enUS649US649&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwim3Pu4pK3QAhXGSSYKHb2pBBIQ_AUICCgB&biw=1366&bih=691#imgdii=hC-iQgkDKY4H4M%3A%3BhC-iQgkDKY4H4M%3A%3Bkwc4srfZSLFV3M%3A&imgrc=hC-iQgkDKY4H4M%3A . And also I am working on adding tuning parts so don't worry, it's coming. But the tuning parts will be parts that are in game, like the triple intake blower. And today I am making the add-on wheelie bar fit a little better. But I see what you are saying and will start adding more and more as I learn more about modding.Thank you for the feedback.
Plz add-on
@krashadam You are a focking idiot, dragster is a think and a drag car is a thing, he made a drag car which can be any car in the world with some modification that makes it more functional to the drag strip
@YoniElimeleh Maybe you can cut the "focking idiot" part from your comment. You would've had a more appropriate approach with a simple correction (Quote: "Dragster is a think and a drag car is a thing, he made a drag car which can be any car in the world with some modification that makes it more functional to the drag strip.")
@Anthony_Ap_44 True, I guess I should've made a better approach in the pictures. I see what you're saying. But I'm glad you're taking it into consideration. Again, good luck on your future mods! I can't wait to see what you do next.
@YoniElimeleh yes you are right but maybe krashadam doesn't know about drag racing, no need for cursing.
@krashadam americans like myself, enjoy just a set of slicks on the back, and all motor. Some people call them sleek. Some call them sleepers. And im pretty damn sure in time someone will convert an all out drag racing car. with fiberglass front ends, like you request. But back to MY POINT, alot of folks enjoy just a set of slicks on a stock car. Not everybody likes 300 stickers and liveries like yourself. And most converts, are REPLACE not addons. So you would be the only fuckin retard i know that would have a bunch of FULL FLEDGE ON DRAG RACING FIBER GLASS BODIES riding around the town. Like their all street legal...... Which is very far from realisim.
5 stars on the vehicle.
1 1/2 stars to the fukin retard im replyin too.
@icebox84 I never said it had to be 300 stickers and liveries? All I said was it could be any option of vehicle, but most drag cars like this one usually have options added to it. I was saying tuning should be added, to add perhaps a spoiler, put a supercharger on it, whichever.
If I install it there's no slicks on it please help?
There's only standard wheels