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    Been using this for a while now, and it works perfectly. If you develop it further, I would request the following feature: allow some arbitrary number of random players. For example, if set to 6 players, you could create a private session, then tell the tool to open up again. Then the tool could monitor inbound IPs, and whitelist the first 6 that connect to GTAV.exe (or whatever process handles it), and then close it again, so that no new players could join. You could even monitor those connections to see when they drop, and open the rules to allow more players in again!

    Rabu, 18 Oktober 2017
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    @HvyMetal55 About 50% of my time is in a private session. I agree, most public lobbies are a disaster. Also, I'm going try to release a new version this weekend, maybe it'll work for you? I can only hope!

    @pixzelbeast Thanks! I'm working on new features now!

    Selasa, 10 Oktober 2017
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    @dagoob Yeah I actually considered that when I started using C++17 features, and I thought to myself, "oh no, it'll be fine, everyone will be using the newest version!" but of course you just proved me wrong :p

    I also suspected that SET_PED_AS_NO_LONGER_NEEDED might be a potential problem (as is any function that operates on references). The newest version of my code has a slightly safer wrapper function that checks for entity existence before attempting to pass the reference. It might not technically be necessary to use this function, either, but no one can explain whether this is a potential memory leak or not. It's my understanding that we're supposed to use that function for any ped we no longer need.

    I'm not sure which version of the code you're testing, but the blips are only supposed to show up when the player's ped has a clear LOS to the target ped. Which I think is kind of cool, but it only works out to about 30 meters or so. If you're closer than that and the blips still don't show up, then something else is wrong...

    I'm at a business conference this week, so it'll be a while before I can pick this back up, but I really appreciate your feedback! Thanks!

    Selasa, 10 Oktober 2017
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    So I started playing Online so I could get an idea of what missions to add, and I sort of got kinda addicted. There's so much to do Online, and I really want to be able to bring that to SP, but now I have a LOT of things I want to implement. Anyway:

    @alemandk Thanks for the support! So do the other missions work correctly? Does the crate drop mission ever work, or does it fail every time?

    @dagoob I was actually thinking the other day that implementing mission filtering could be nice. I'll try to implement it as soon as I stop spending all my time playing Online. Also, is keyboard.h the only resource you're missing? I know I had a hell of a time setting up the resources when I first started. C++ is awesome in a lot of ways, but honestly C# resources are WAY easier.

    @HvyMetal55 All the missions are currently static objects. I would like to instantiate them, but it'll require a bit of effort to rewrite it. If I succeed though, then yes multiple missions could be run simultaneously.

    For people who are still seeing crashes, I just want to be sure, are we talking about consistent crashes every time you load the game / touch a crate / whatever, or is it intermittent?

    Other thoughts: I want to implement variable timers based on the distance to targets, and maybe display the time left on the screen like some Online events do. Thoughts? Also, for those of you who can use the newest version, how do you find the guards respawning? Is it too much? I feel like it could be improved, but I'm not sure how to make certain that a spawn won't be in front of the player...

    Kamis, 05 Oktober 2017
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    I'm not closer to a solution :( it seems that there's a lot of people who get a crash on startup or a crash on crate drop, but I have no idea why this would be happening.

    @satyr ... what?

    Selasa, 03 Oktober 2017
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    @christ please describe some missions for me! I have never played Online and probably never will, so I have no idea what these missions are that people keep talking about. I have ideas for events that I think would be cool on my own, but they may not be anything like MP.

    Kamis, 28 September 2017
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    ... Maybe *I* spoke too soon. I can't reproduce with a non-player model (obviously I don't get any money, but it doesn't crash the game...). I don't have any add-on peds, but honestly I can't see why that would make a difference. I'll keep looking.

    Kamis, 28 September 2017
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    Here's what the script does as soon as you touch the crate: for each guard, sets it as no longer needed, clears the container that holds the guard handles, rewards money, and notifies the player that they got money.

    I assume notifications had been working, so I'm ignoring that line. If you crashed instantly, it's likely either to do with ENTITY::SET_PED_AS_NO_LONGER_NEEDED(&guard) or ChangeMoneyForCurrentPlayer(). I've never crashed from either, but I imagine such a thing might be possible if the script tried to call ENTITY::SET_PED_AS_NO_LONGER_NEEDED(&guard) on a guard handle that didn't exist, or ChangeMoneyForCurrentPlayer for a player that didn't exist. Speaking of which... Yeah:

    If you're playing with anything but the vanilla player models, it'll crash. I will add a safety check here to escape out if you're using a nonstandard model. Sorry about that!

    Kamis, 28 September 2017
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    @darkphoenixxx The irony is that I've now written another entire mod in C#! C# just feels... well, it's dirty, but freeing. Like when you're wearing hipster skinny jeans, but underneath you're going commando!

    @christ I, like (I hope) many noob mod authors before me, released a version of my mod that was horribly broken. Then I released another version thinking it was fixed, but forgot something else entirely. Just pretend like 1.1.1 and 1.1 never existed. Use 1.1.2. The gameplay differences between between the versions are all the same, and are noted in the changelog (although I still need to update the description here, it's also a few comments higher up).

    @Cyron43 And I love to hate myself while using it. Although I really wish crosire would release SHVDNv3, I'm pretty sure it's WAY easier to write for. OTOH, I'm pretty sure I could never get the same kind of performance that I do from C++. I honestly don't know if this mod would work if I wrote it in C#...

    @odpal8 :( sorry man, wish it would work for you. You did delete the old filename OnlineEventsReduxRedux.asi right? Not that it should prevent the game from loading, though.

    I see that this version has a few hundred downloads already, can anyone confirm that version 1.1.2 is in fact working for them? I'd feel pretty bad if there were 283 people out there who tried to update and couldn't even load the game :c

    Rabu, 27 September 2017
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    @EnforcerZhukov I just noticed you uploaded a video demonstrating the mod! It was so fun watching someone else do these missions (especially after playtesting them myself a million times). THANK YOU!

    Rabu, 27 September 2017