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  • 67ca15 img 20231116 234657 611

    @skipper00123 in real life, rain at first it relatively cleans the car but once the rain ends some dirt shows up on the car, while in rain dirt does not stay on 95% of body, this is what rockstar should have done for the game. GTA V has so much potential sadly it's horribly optimized and very arcadish, even not featuring some basic features that GTA IV did, and it looks worse than most games of that era, thankfully the experience is much better with mods like this

    1 hari yang lalu
  • 67ca15 img 20231116 234657 611

    @VKST the fix provided works up to 1.67 3028, pocket reload is almost fully disabled on FPV only, and the guns do reload when we press and some reload with the mag emltied which is not that much of an issue, but the pocket reload is broken on 1.68 3095, and guns wont reload untill mag finish unless you press the button to run, if this and the pocket reload is fixed then its okayzits main point is to fix the stupid pocket reload. It doesn't really matter if player reloads the gun automatically at mag finish. Thank you and the author for this great mod btw.

    Sabtu, 11 Mei 2024
  • 67ca15 img 20231116 234657 611

    I tested ManualTransmission fix on github, it does work, but the RPM banging at the end of rev limit falls insanely low then to climb up again, and the automatic transmission is malfunctioned, either climbing the RPM range really slow, and the upshifts are misaligned. This has problems going in reverse as well, both mods are broken, since this needs MT to work correctly. I will configure Driving Simulator Handlings of a couple of cars with correct G-Forces, Braking Distances, Correct acceleration based on real life tests not necessarily video games, correct Center of Mass and Aproxiamte roll centers (exact data are unavailable on internet, so all the Roll Centers are estimated based on F40's real life roll center which is available on internet) near accurate suspension force+damping, correct traction based on a calculated scale, correct drag, accurately configured torque map, approximate vehicle agillity while turning, accurate braking force and handbrake force, the best damage configuration available without breaking the game's mechanics, accurate downforce, and downforce almost removed (as much the game engine allows) from cars with lift and visible lift for the latter group, and a lot of other functions. If ikt wants I'll configure as much my time allows or share my formula, only to the author, the king of the site (ikt) if the decision is made by author to fix both MT and CGR. I'll provide tweaked game AI to work with the handlings correctly. Truck handlings are WIP but I can configure Vans or pickups below 3000 Kg.

    Sabtu, 11 Mei 2024
  • 67ca15 img 20231116 234657 611

    This is necessary for any driving simulation mod, any way anyone who could fix this on latest update? There's a guy who fixed ManualTransmission on Github, I don't know how to contact the guy, or he would do that or can do that...?

    Minggu, 28 April 2024
  • 67ca15 img 20231116 234657 611

    @razera Vehfuncs is broken on newer GTA versions, seems like the author is not updating their mods anymore, so we are stuck with this issue. I wish there is a new version without vehfuncs as RPM needle only. This is the best Aventador that's why it matters.

    Minggu, 14 April 2024
  • 67ca15 img 20231116 234657 611

    Rev counter doesn't work on 1.64 update either, it happens on different cars as well. I was thinking maybe I can change some values myself if i'll be able to get it work... I dunno... Never worked with vehfuncs before
    Anyway the most detailed LP700-4

    Rabu, 28 Februari 2024
  • 67ca15 img 20231116 234657 611

    I don't know why my RPM does not work...

    Rabu, 28 Februari 2024
  • 67ca15 img 20231116 234657 611

    Enormous quality, I'm using the 4K version and its beyond what I thought we could achieve in GTA 5,I'm using 1000+ carpack, which is a lot of work to do, and some cars are high poly models, haven't yet tested this in crowded urban areas in rain, but I have spawned 80 Plus High Poly cars while testing each car, I didn't see any new problems.
    The other raindrop mods are tiled up and look like liveries, this one isn't.
    I'm also on RX580 and i7 2600, old HDD, 12 GB DDR3 Ram, so my setup is nothing special, still works well.

    Jumat, 09 Februari 2024
  • 67ca15 img 20231116 234657 611

    5000/5 Stars is what it truly deserves
    I've tested the new beta
    You should try disabling the mod completely through the paleto score mission. In your older GSW2, the mod is somewhat disabled at that mission until they escape the tanks in the dozer, then the mod reactivated and messed up the mechanics (in this mission not only the players health acts somewhat like a body armor, but the locational(limb) damage (which does not count as body armor) is meaningless since they have a very heavy full body armor. The locational damage is disabled up to the dozer escape (in your old GSW2), then it reappears and (strangely) players take huge amounts of health damage with each carbine rifle shot(the limb damage is active, so even with armor, if shot at limbs there is unrealistic damage, contrasting the full body armor function)
    In your new beta, the whole mod is active during the mission, so trevor and michael take damage on limbs although armored, but the body armor works as intended (like the mod's own armor damage system).
    You can easily disable the mod before the minigun part, and the problem is solved, then you can reactivate in after the mission, but this is a good idea to disable that mod in that mission, similar to your older gsw2 that disables most part of it, then it will be a huge bugfix!
    The good thing is the new beta patched the issue in your older GSW2 when michael not climbing up the rappel rope with mr K from the building in three's a company.
    I'll check other missions to see if other ones encounter such issues.
    Well this is a masterpiece of modding industry, or better say the gaming industry, as it's unlikey that no other game has such realistic gunshot damage features implemented ingame (maybe only certain new war simulators that I have not tried, may have such damage system, but I'm not sure)

    Minggu, 04 Februari 2024
  • 67ca15 img 20231116 234657 611

    I get this weird looping animation of holstering/unholstering of guns with this mod, did anyone have such experience?

    Sabtu, 03 Februari 2024