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@DexVo You're Welcome
@Ohblimey I can't tell , results differ , there's no number , it could be BIG , or it could be almost useless.
@Jmaster120 Oh great.
@Jmaster120 , Make Sure you're gta v folder is not set to read only. Also , try running open iv as administrator
@anchit , All these tweaks are to give you an 'increase in performance' not give everyone a playable framerate.
Also , in case of Re-Sizing (Correct me if i am wrong , N8Games) it is not even always supposed to increase the fps ,
What it does is it reduces the texture size so that more textures can be executed in the RAM/VRAM. Which means faster streaming in of textures >>faster loading >>less stuttering and finally a lottle boost in fps.
It is good for most , but more suitable who have lesser ram/vram.
(If anyone thinks that is not good enough , then remember other fps booster or 'stutter removers' reduce visual quality to a noticeable degree').
Which somewhat means that you still need a ok-level cpu/gpu to make gta v work , i.e , it is for someone who need to fix stutter and want slightly more fps but is already able to play the game fine OR for someone who wants to increase , say , a single or two graphic settings to a higher value , without sacrificing much performance.THAT is where this mod comes into play.
Now , in case of intel hd graphics (that you have) , these integrated graphics have 0 vram , instead some amount of actual RAM is given to it to use as vram , for example , if you have 4gb ram , arount 1.65 gb of your system ram will be used as vram the remainimg will be used for gta v + background perocesses and OS.
Also , intel hd graphics are not independent like nvidia , so that even in their presence some of the graphic processing is done by cpu itself , apart from its own work.
If check gta v 's min. Requirements a min. Of 4bg ram is listed but in case of intel hd 4 gb ram cannot actually be considered 4gb.
I Hope You Understand.
Still , All the best , Brother.
@anchit I stopped playing gta v and moved to skyrim special edition and was enjoying its modding community that's why i wqs absent here.Also , N8Games mentioned he had some personal matters which is the reason for his absence.I don't know for the rest , but they probably too moved on.
@anchit In case you don't know , you can see my uploads by clicking on my name.
Also , there's a mod out called last generation graphics 1.3 , (not mine) , may improve your performance by making your game look like the older xbox 360 version , so may wanna try it.
@anchit , I Uploaded it the nextday i spoke to you it already has over 1000 downloads.
Austii0217 Ok , all the best.
@mrdano , its just an .ini , so , yes.