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@KwakuM What happen with the Tundra truck? It was an awesome car. Are you gonna post it again, or not?
model doesn't load on SP
@Pepto Bismol Awesome car!
@TacoPoPo Awesome truck. Just did a gameplay showcase video on it. Hope you like it.
@V8Kompre55or I believe I've discovered a bug in the car. While using the Rockstar Editor to make an installation tutorial for this vehicle, I observed that the steering column is absent from the interior. If you open the driver’s door with the driver inside and make them invisible while turning the steering wheel with the car stationary, you'll notice the steering column is missing. This can only be seen from the sides; it’s not visible from the front.
@Alex9581 I did the gameplay showcase of the Dodge Durango, pending approval again :)
@Alex9581 I just did the gameplay showcase of the car, pending approval here. :)
@Alex9581 In my opinion, this car is one of the best I've tested so far in my gameplay showcases! Awesome build.
@zamalone using Blender you don't need o recreate all the map. You have the map. Just download the map as sketchup file from the site, and then import it in Blender with the sketchup importer plugin, that you'll find it in google for download, in Blender. You have the file imported in Blender. From here all you have to do is use sollumz to make it for the game and add the collision and textures. Maybe bake some of the texture or something. Relocate the map on gta 5. Make the MLO map. I can do it yes, but I'm with other things. sorry. Hahaha. I was giving the idea to you. If you can't do it. I'll do it, but will take some time. As I mention before I'm with other stuff. For the moment finalize all the props for the movie. Love your work, and your dedication to gta 5, that's why I gave you the idea for this thing. I wanna do the 3 parts of Bttf movie, just like in the movie, but in GTA 5. Exactly the same, scene by scene, dialogue, everything. At the final of the movie, put credits like Zamalone, etc. you know ? and all the mod I used. wouldn't be great? the movie I think will have a great impact in YOutube. Working hard to make this happen, and all for free.
@zamalone Do what you can if you can. No rush. I open the map from skwtchup with Blender using a Sketchup importer plugin and works perfectly. With sollumz I can do the map. But yes takes time. No rush. Thats how I do it. I'm not in a hurry. DO what you can when you can. No problem and thanks for your interests.