
2010 Sprinter Brandweer Cobra Cutters Team 1.0

65f07d cobra7
65f07d cobra3
65f07d cobra
65f07d cobra4
65f07d cobra2
65f07d cobra5
65f07d cobra6


Het Cobra-systeem is een koud snijdend hoge druk blussysteem dat van buitenaf wordt ingezet bij branden in moeilijk toegankelijke ruimten, zoals containers en scheepsruimten.

The Cobra system is a cold-cutting, high-pressure extinguishing system that is used from the outside for fires in areas that are difficult to access, such as containers and ship spaces.
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Hoe werkt het?

First download: Origineel Model

Replace my '.YTD' files with the old files

GTA IV Sprinter: BG88
GTA V Conversion: DyVerze
Accesoires and lights: DyVerze
Back Interior: Prio1Gaming
Show Full Description

Pertama diunggah: Rabu, 30 Oktober 2019
Terakhir diperbarui: Jumat, 01 November 2019
Terakhir Diunduh: 1 hari yang lalu

All Versions

 1.0 (current)

210 unduhan , 21,3 MB
Rabu, 30 Oktober 2019

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